2009-08-28 | Aragon Ballroom | Chicago, Illinois, United States
- 1. Pinion (ORIGINAL)
- 2. Wish (ORIGINAL)
- 3. Last (ORIGINAL)
- 4. Discipline (ORIGINAL)
- 5. March of the Pigs (ORIGINAL)
- 6. Something I Can Never Have (ORIGINAL)
- 7. The Frail (ORIGINAL)
- 8. The Wretched (ORIGINAL)
- 9. Closer (ORIGINAL)
- 10. Terrible Lie (ORIGINAL)
- 11. Head Down (ORIGINAL)
- 12. Banged And Blown Through (COVER [Saul Williams])
- 13. Burn (ORIGINAL)
- 14. Gave Up (ORIGINAL)
- 15. La Mer (ORIGINAL)
- 16. The Fragile (ORIGINAL)
- 17. Non-Entity (ORIGINAL)
- 18. Gone, Still (ORIGINAL)
- 19. Lights In The Sky (ORIGINAL)
- 20. Eraser (ORIGINAL)
- 21. The Downward Spiral (ORIGINAL)
- 22. 1,000,000 (ORIGINAL)
- 23. Letting You (ORIGINAL)
- 24. Survivalism (ORIGINAL)
- 25. Down In It (ORIGINAL)
- 26. Atmosphere (COVER [Joy Division])
- 27. Dead Souls (COVER [Joy Division])
- 28. Kick In The Eye (COVER [Bauhaus])
- 29. The Hand That Feeds (ORIGINAL)
- 30. Head Like A Hole (ORIGINAL)
- 31. Hurt (ORIGINAL)
Supporting Acts
- Mew
Band Members
- Trent Reznor
- Robin Finck
- Ilan Rubin
- Justin Meldal-Johnsen
Who Attended
- 01cgeoghegan
- 21niko21
- 2x2x2
- abearatemyparents
- acidpolly
- aikdaman
- alessasapphire
- Alrea
- araby
- artgirl9
- athena
- awaitingthehalos
- Bachy
- batterfly
- beezusthegreat
- bgalbraith
- bigbadron
- bigcomedown
- billh
- billradovich
- Blackbookpress1984
- Bmw1185
- brainydramas
- bunnytrent9
- BusterBluth
- c-rams
- Callahan
- Cards83
- Carrie
- cheshirecat9
- Christo
- cincymode
- Cryptomnesiac
- cyberkode
- dag
- damaged79
- Danny420
- darkbeauty
- DarkBelle
- Digipunk44
- digshake
- dinkle50
- DonkeyBoner42
- Downinit
- downinit9
- dreeve
- DWall45
- EachWishRezigned
- efreitag
- ejwindy73
- elegant
- Endlessly
- Ericsurrea
- Farleyismydog
- Finvoker
- Five_Hole
- fivemagics
- Fragilekiss
- frmtheblackhole
- Frothie51
- ginalu
- gonegirl999
- gratefulnails
- guildmasterx
- haldemir
- heavenlybearded
- hibiscuscorpses
- homphgomph
- iddiride
- idonotwantthis
- ihatecrayons
- interface2x
- IrregularMatt
- Isuredbird07
- Jaie
- jamescsgrv
- Jason23
- jblank
- jburke7777
- jessica
- jessie
- jgundich
- jhulud
- jjg34
- Jmcman2324
- johnandertoneyes
- jrdsctt
- jstanshoe
- juniperus
- k19jackyl
- k258
- kargath
- katykat3
- kazmir
- kdb1224
- Killaya
- kman98
- Knightcreeper
- kwright315
- Kyroshiro
- LadyP
- LexTron6K
- little_evil
- Lolit
- LucidReality
- lukasjudge
- malechite
- marcandre
- maryelle
- melco731
- merlyntemple
- Mirish2271
- misobaby
- miss_hazy
- mistress_moomoo
- mplthunderbay
- mragon1
- MrsSD
- N1C0L3
- negative1
- negavinyl
- nekoshadey
- NickAcosta
- Nilso
- nineinchgails
- ninhilista
- ninrocksmysocks
- ninstl
- nlemeshka
- No1special
- Nonnormal
- OneBigMob
- orion9
- packetslave
- passthis0n
- phyzical
- poozcat
- Pseudosteffi
- renic
- Rev_Ian
- rmcgraw2
- Rustyautoparts
- Shannlee88
- Sharona65
- she_shines92
- shoottofill
- Siamiesedreams
- sinfinity
- Sir Taco Watson
- skipniklas
- skullboy0
- skullboy00
- smashitrebuildit
- snettles
- solareyes
- somewhat
- Spectreman
- spiralbecomings
- spiralwriter
- spyderfly
- Stawski
- supernaut
- swimfin
- Tapswitch
- The_Frail
- the_wretched
- theblackestsea
- thecrazydreamer
- TheSykotix
- Thewisejanitor5
- TripleA
- twilight explosion
- vampee
- vznutz81
- wackyberry
- warped909
- Wish9
- Wolfkiller
- worm
- xolotl
- Zimb0
- Zimbo
- zomarkaan
- Zorlac