2008-12-13 | Planet Hollywood Theatre for the Performing Arts | Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
- 1. 999,999 (ORIGINAL)
- 2. 1,000,000 (ORIGINAL)
- 3. Letting You (ORIGINAL)
- 4. Discipline (ORIGINAL)
- 5. March of the Pigs (ORIGINAL)
- 6. Head Down (ORIGINAL)
- 7. The Frail (ORIGINAL)
- 8. Closer (ORIGINAL)
- 9. Gave Up (ORIGINAL)
- 10. Corona Radiata (ORIGINAL)
- 11. The Warning (ORIGINAL)
- 12. The Great Destroyer (ORIGINAL)
- 13. 21 Ghosts III (ORIGINAL)
- 14. 28 Ghosts IV (ORIGINAL)
- 15. 19 Ghosts III (ORIGINAL)
- 16. Piggy (ORIGINAL)
- 17. The Greater Good (ORIGINAL)
- 18. Pinion (ORIGINAL)
- 19. Wish (ORIGINAL)
- 20. Terrible Lie (ORIGINAL)
- 21. Survivalism (ORIGINAL)
- 22. The Big Come Down (ORIGINAL)
- 23. 31 Ghosts IV (ORIGINAL)
- 24. Only (ORIGINAL)
- 25. The Hand That Feeds (ORIGINAL)
- 26. Head Like A Hole (ORIGINAL)
- 27. Echoplex (ORIGINAL)
- 28. Reptile (ORIGINAL)
- 29. The Good Soldier (ORIGINAL)
- 30. Hurt (ORIGINAL)
- 31. In This Twilight (ORIGINAL)
Supporting Acts
- The Bug
Band Members
- Trent Reznor
- Alessandro Cortini
- Robin Finck
- Justin Meldal-Johnsen
- Josh Freese
Who Attended
- ademaspenguin
- aesthetik
- agentofchaos
- akayla
- akm
- almostgone@27
- amateurchemist
- astroot
- babybullets
- batterfly
- big_R
- BigR
- bjp1976
- blackqueenphoenix
- bractune
- Buffyspike
- BusterBluth
- Caca
- Callahan
- Capital_M
- cfire
- cfire403
- Chrisrees2
- CoreJas43
- cThules
- cynicmuse
- damaged79
- darkbeauty
- DarkBelle
- dclaw
- demgoth
- DigOphelia
- Discobunny
- djnixon
- dotshiva
- Downinit
- downinit9
- dreeve
- DrTran
- DWall45
- Echoplex
- efreitag
- elphaba
- enf2k5
- ericdalton
- erNIN
- FDvoid
- fearless
- Febo
- frmtheblackhole
- fuqqer
- G
- garbage19
- gingergirl
- greglyon
- guilty
- hardrockchick
- hecate
- hippygeek
- Houghy
- howdidislipinto
- Humanjunk
- iddiride
- idonotwantthis
- invadered7
- Inviting_Me_Away
- isolatedshaedow
- Jaie
- Jamelie
- jamesmichaelcox
- jason745
- jennitaliaz
- jessamineny
- jessica
- JessicaSarahS
- jessie
- jimijames1978
- JimiJames78
- jjg34
- johnbron
- JohnJK04
- joyfulgirl
- jstanshoe
- kenhatch
- kiss_sweet_mandy
- Kmscales
- Krazy
- LadyRedCrest
- lizbonez88
- Lolit
- LtRandazzo
- lukasjudge
- m0reta
- madison
- maryelle
- melco731
- miguelescobar
- Mirish2271
- misobaby
- miss_hazy
- missroseline
- mistakeablyme
- miyan
- MJ333
- mocean
- morgs
- mploed
- mragon1
- mrx75
- munster13
- Nellybly
- Nellyrific
- neramani
- nilbymouth
- NINailhead
- NINgirl1
- nininchnailsrules555
- ninpolite
- nlemeshka
- nobodylkl
- numberfortyfour
- ohmybeautifuliar
- onestepfromsanity
- Papagolash
- peacenin
- pederfan
- PeedroPaula
- Platinum0rgy
- Platzen
- primary1
- prpl646
- qtheking
- reefdawg42
- Renholder
- reprobate
- returnoftheyeti
- Rev_Ian
- robotfcuker
- romeo_void
- ronzer
- ruffian
- RyanJ
- SerpentinexBLACK
- SheldonJ
- shitapillar
- Siamiesedreams
- sin_eater
- slapshot007
- spiralwriter
- spyderfly
- Stephrubia
- suprefan
- swimfin
- torgo
- torpedooo
- TotalSystemFailure
- trentvanegas
- Vegasmel
- VenturaLocal
- virushopper
- Visitor17
- wackyberry
- wch1208
- wendyology
- whatkilesaid
- whitelilley
- wickedturkey
- Wish9
- Yoshata